Our Team


AYUMU KOBAYASHI Founder/Lead Builder

My name is Ayumu (A-u-moo) and I was born in Japan. My family and I emigrated to NZ when I was little. I grew up in NZ and learnt my building skills here.

I live in beautiful Ōtepoti Dunedin with my partner Dallas and kids Mia and Arlo. My father was a traditional log house builder and taught me the importance of precision and care, in both my building techniques and also with maintaining my tools.


CONNOR RYAN-WILLS Apprentice Builder

I was born on the Chathams Islands and brought up on the South Island. I’ve been based in Dunedin for 5 years now. I studied the pre-trade level 3 Carpentry course at Otago Polytechnic in 2019 and started working as a keen apprentice for Kinoko Homes in 2020. It’s been an amazing journey so far, learning high-end building methods along the way, and I can’t wait for what the future holds.